The amount of money you pay for a session, you are going to get your money worth. It will never be an easy session unless there are injuries and we need to modify. I'm the coach that makes you hate me as coach but love me as a person.
Plyometrics with weights, some HIIT
Protein- STEAK, Grilled Chicken, Eggs Carbs- Rice, Mash Potatoes, Mac and Cheese, Pizza, Veggies
Salmon/ Seafood, Corn, Citrus Fruit, (Allergic to All)
The amount of money you pay for a session, you are going to get your money worth. It will never be an easy session unless there are injuries and we need to modify. I'm the coach that makes you hate me as coach but love me as a person.
Plyometrics with weights, some HIIT
Protein- STEAK, Grilled Chicken, Eggs Carbs- Rice, Mash Potatoes, Mac and Cheese, Pizza, Veggies
Salmon/ Seafood, Corn, Citrus Fruit, (Allergic to All)
2000s Hip Hop
Every workout is "Easy Money" No matter how hard you think it is, you will always hear those words