There’s a whole lot of information available online but having a trainer is priceless. Performing Correct exercise is vital And when choosing me over others, I bring a different approach rather than a standard procedure. If the clients are willing to spend the money they expect a wholesome experience. As a PERSONAL trainers we should make sure that our clients are both mentally and physically fit
The kitchen sink workout. best you can of any type of workout. Inspired by military exercises.
Soaked Pulses and vegetables salad. Fruits and dry fruits smoothies with turmeric.
Raw vegetables
There’s a whole lot of information available online but having a trainer is priceless. Performing Correct exercise is vital And when choosing me over others, I bring a different approach rather than a standard procedure. If the clients are willing to spend the money they expect a wholesome experience. As a PERSONAL trainers we should make sure that our clients are both mentally and physically fit
The kitchen sink workout. best you can of any type of workout. Inspired by military exercises.
Soaked Pulses and vegetables salad. Fruits and dry fruits smoothies with turmeric.
Raw vegetables
WAVIN flag by Knaan Hall of fame
I am failed sports person so I work to not let someone be like me. It’s the worst feeling ever.